Innovation Sweet Spot
Desirability, Feasibility, and Viability.
Finding the sweet spot between what is desirable, technically feasible, and viable for your business reduces risk and helps you produce products that are much more likely to succeed.
Sounds good right?
Following a structured process to delve deeper into these three key areas, typically as a team activity, will help you clarify how robust your new ideas and innovations really are before you commit precious time and money. The more thorough you are at this stage, the better.
Next time you are buzzing with the seed of a new idea, concept, or process, take some time to ask these questions.
Desirable: What attracts customers to you, your products or technology is. What pain points are you addressing and are you genuinely providing a solution not just creating something that appeals to you. What will keep customers coming back for more?
Feasible: Question if your innovation is technically feasible? What skills, facilities, and technology will be required, and are there any regulatory issues, policies, and internal hurdles that might crop up?
Viable. Can the business afford it, will the end result be profitable and enhance and strengthen the business?
Got a great idea or want to step up and push forward into a new market and are not sure where to start, why not get in touch and see if we can help. We offer innovation and strategy workshops right through to full-blown design consultancy support.
Contact Kelly on +44 (0) 247 654 5678 or drop an email to start a conversation
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